

Founding Scientist and CEO

After graduating from Keio University School of Medicine, Dr. Fukuda completed his doctoral studies at the same graduate school and chose to pursue both cardiology and basic cardiovascular research at the same time. After studying at the National Cancer Center in Japan, Harvard University and Michigan University, in 1995 he returned to Keio University, and in 1999 succeeded in creating cardiomyocytes from bone marrow stem cells for the first time in the world, a feat that was met with great acclaim worldwide. Subsequently, he shifted to research using human ES cells and iPS cells, and developed and patented many innovative technologies. He tenured Professor of Regenerative Medicine and Professor of Cardiology of Keio University. Professor Emeritus since 2023.

To industrialize heart failure therapy, he founded Heartseed in 2015 and became CEO. Heartseed was listed on the Growth Market of the TSE in July 2024, and Dr. Fukuda is committed to making cardiac regenerative medicine a reality.