
Katsura Daikuhara

Chief Economist, Managing Director,
Head of Country Research and Intelligence
SMBC Bank International

Katsura Daikuhara is Chief Economist and Managing Director at SMBC Bank International, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)’s UK subsidiary, where he is responsible for leading a team of political, geopolitical and macro-economic analysis.

Before joining SMBC, he worked as an economist at the Japan Centre for International Finance and the UFJ Bank, and has also been a part-time lecturer at Kobe University.

He holds an MA in public management and a BA in economics from Waseda University, and is an academic member of the Japan Academy of International Business Studies, the Japan Association for Middle Eastern Studies and the Japan Association for the African Studies.

He has published several articles on economy and finance, including `How the Eurozone Crisis Became a Banking Crisis, and the Risk of Japanisation’, “Country and Political Risk” (Risk Books, 2015).