Akio Tsunoda, President, Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd.

Akio Tsunoda
Kumon Institute
of Education Co., Ltd.

The Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd., whose forerunner was established in Osaka in 1958, promotes the Kumon Method of learning in Japan and around the globe. The first overseas Kumon Center was set up in 1974 in New York. Since then, a growing number of people around the world have begun studying with the Kumon Method. As of August, 2010, the Kumon Method is available in 46 countries and regions around the world, including Japan.

After serving as President of Kumon LIL Co., Ltd., which operates calligraphy centers, Akio Tsunoda moved in 2005 into his present position as President of the Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd., which is a holding company.

Born on September 8, 1949

April1979enters the Tokyo Branch of the Kumon Institute of Mathematics
(former company name)
March1994Manager of Children's Department of Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd.
December1998President of Kumon LIL Co., Ltd.
June2005President of Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd.

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